
To be good at sourcing we must have many skills:
But above all it is our creative solution providing that makes us better.
Nothing beats seeing your creative solution showing remarkable results.
To be creative, we need to be inspired, by our peers and their experiences.

By subscribing (it’s free) to SFIC (SourcingFashionInChina) you are signing up to a valuable source of information.
Here you will find ideas that will help you come up with the solutions you need for your business.
You know how we reflect on conversations with friends from the industry, and ideas for solutions present themselves? That’s what SFIC is about. Now, I know how busy people in this industry are, so be sure I take this into consideration when I write the newsletters.
Just enter the information below and start receiving a valuable flow of ideas you can use, right to your inbox.

I’m a fashion item sourcing & production professional living in China for 18 years.
I began my way as an entrepreneur and did many cool things (including establishing and running an apparel retail chain – and producing all of its products).
Sometimes we get so carried away with the details of our work, that we can’t distant ourselves from the daily details, look at the big picture, and come up with the solutions we can come up with.
My aim is to do just that. To periodically talk about a subject we are all familiar with - from a different angle.
In this blog I will talk about:
·        Expanding and maintaining supplier network.
·        Getting reliable market information.
·        Recruiting and managing your teams in China.
·        Negotiation.

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